
Hi-hi. I’m Lily, short for Lillian.

I’m a moderately directionally challenged gal with pin-straight hair.

This was a good hair day. Please disregard my scowl.

This was a good hair day. Please disregard my scowl.

I am the second oldest out of a brood of 5 and grew up thinking handy-downs were actually called hand-me-downs. A simple mistake.

Another simple mistake I have known for is baking with non-baking containers, and then this happens:

Obviously, this banana bread turned out to be toxic..

Obviously, this banana bread turned out to be toxic..

Then I discovered that colorful patterns on aprons are the key to success in the kitchen:

Fancy! This makes me bake like a pro.

Fancy! This makes me bake like a pro.

Anyways, enough about my amazing moments.

Sometimes I refer to my father as the Pirate. This is purely for the fact that my summers as a child were spent on a family boat where my father proudly called his progeny ‘skippers,’ a flag that looked like something from Captain Hook was flown, and I’ve never known a man to be more at home in a floating fiberglass contraption.

Much to my mother’s distress, Pirate likes to decorate the house with his sea-themed items.

Please notice not only the creepy pirate skull but also the stolen coral reef from the ocean.

Mantel decorations: Please notice not only the creepy pirate skull but also the stolen coral reef from the ocean.

I hope you enjoy what I write and don’t write.
I hope you laugh when I melt things.
I hope you cry when I have mushy moments with Mr. Speedy (or sigh…. crying might be a little extreme).

I love the way he holds wine and holds me. Drool.

This represents a mushy moment.

Stick around.
Read away.
Let me make your heart smile.

7 thoughts on “About

  1. What do you mean they’re not called hand me downs? What? Oh goodness.
    And you always make my heart smile. It’s why I love the fact that you’re back! 😀
    & those Pirate stories were amazing lol

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