The Best Kind of Shopping is… Free.

Lately, I have been doing some shopping with spending little or no money.

Except when I purchased all the stamps for the wedding stationary, put the final deposit on the Cathedral, and signed the contract with the videographer.

Wedding things aside, I have been spending very little but gaining much.
This is the best kind of shopping.
It makes you feel like you out-smarted someone.
It makes you feel like you have extra money to buy necessities, like pretty paper and sequin ribbon.

It makes you forget that you are currently living in an Arctic tundra and makes your lungs feel like icicles and your days numbered:

A co-worker snapped this while driving to work... no joke. Michigan is brutal.

A co-worker snapped this while driving to work… no joke. Michigan is brutal.

My latest shopping deals are:

1. Free bottle of lotion and free VS Valentine panties – aren’t coupons the best? This new scent is veryyyy delicious.

I hung the panties on a door knob because it would be inappropriate to wear them and take a picture.

I hung the panties on a door knob because it would be inappropriate to wear them and take a picture.

2. I won a giveaway on Megan’s blog and she mailed me a coupon for a free box of clementines. You bet your bootah I redeemed that. Yummy!

Who doesn't love clementines?

Who doesn’t love clementines?

3. You know what is one good thing about snowy-cold-winter? You get to find great steals on summer clothing that is being clearanced. Mr. Speedy, my friend J, and I went to Kohls and I found this beautiful sundress — SCORE:

I can't wait to wear it when the snow is gone!

I can’t wait to wear it when the snow is gone! $12 !!! That is like a Panera Bread meal.

4. I bought a boat load of books with Christmas gift cards….. most of these are for my book club – BUYING BOOKS WITH GIFT CARDS IS THE BEST KIND OF SHOPPING EVER.

I need to find space for these.

I need to find space for these.

5. I have come to the conclusion that…. hosting a wedding is like having a HUGE REUNION with your closest friends that are all across the country. I realize this is not shopping, but it is a good deal. I have two blogging friends driving in, two of my BFF from graduate school, my aunts from MA, Mr. Speedy’s relatives from NE and TX, the list just goes on.

What a lovely deal- get married and get to see people whom you love all together at once.

Seems like a lovely plan. I can’t wait.

The last time I was with my Grad School (aka librarian) girls.

The last time my Grad School (aka librarian) girls were all in one spot.

6. Finally, after I get married and settled into life as a wife, I might pursue this career:

New life goal.

New life goal.

No pants and free clam bra?!?! Sign me up.

I bet you mermaids get to shop for free… under the sea.

(That was SO corny, I could not help it.)

Any one else have any amazing deals they have been finding lately? Please share.


Thrifty Lily

Book Giveaway: Run Like A Girl

I’m giving away one (1) copy of this amazing book:

Run Like A Girl: How Strong Women Make Happy Lives


I fell in love with this book over two years ago, just after it was published in March 2011. The author, Mina Samuels (read about her here) writes from various voices- her own, famous female athletes, every day female athletes, sport medicine experts, and much more. Previously, she was a lawyer and then realized she wanted to write and needed to publish. I love authors who are from a completely different field of work. I think it adds some variety to their writing. She writes in a very factual, entertaining way that is full of statistics and interviews that will keep you reading.

She dives into WHY there is a pull, a need, to run or perform some sort of physical exercise. How does this exercise differ when females run solo? In a group? With a partner? What does training together do to a relationship? What does having an active lifestyle do to a person? How are they physically stronger in the end? Happier? Logical? There is a science to those endorphins released and Samuels hits the nail on the head explaining every little body benefit.

I love it.

I could go and on but the bottom line is that this book is a truthful read- perfect for any female (or male- guys can get some perspective too) athlete.

Because I love it and running and being a strong, healthy girl, I am giving you a chance to win a copy- all you have to do is comment below, answering this question:

What are yours plans for this weekend?

Are you going somewhere fun? Have any races planned? Are you planning to drink wine and read books and relax? Just leave your comment (be sure to be logged in or enter email) and you are in the running (no pun intended) for this wonderful book!

Winner will be announced Friday, July 19th by 8pm Eastern Time. Only one comment per person!

Help: I’m in a Marathon Pickle

I am trapped in a pickle- a marathon pickle to be exact.

And I need your help because I really do not know what to do.
Please read… or just ignore my words and wish me luck.


I have only ran 1 marathon in my life and that was last fall in Detroit.  I huffed and puffed my way to the finish line and qualified for Boston by 1 WHOLE WHOPPING MINUTE, at a 3:34:00:

My first marathon... this was at the half way point and I had a very mean face and was on fire.

My first marathon… this was at the half way point and I had a very mean face and was on fire.

Fast forward to present day:

Since I only qualified for Bosty 2014 by 1 minute, that means I am in the last wave to register when it opens up online. The waves go by 5 minute intervals from the qualifying time, so for my group (need 3:35:00 or faster) it includes everyone from 3:30:00 to 3:34:59.

This makes me nervous. I have a sinking gut feeling that it is going to fill up before I get to sign up online, suggesting that I should try to run ANOTHER, better, marathon time before the cutoff- September 15, 2013.

That is roughly 10 weeks away.

August marathons, in this area, are HOT. So no.

Labor day weekend, Mr. Speedy and I have a wedding. The weekend that the time is due- Sept. 15th- we are planning to go to Nebraska.

This only leaves September 8th weekend open and I found a marathon in Canton, Ohio (about 4 hours away) that I could run.

So my pickle is-

Do I start a 9 week training program now and run the marathon and hope to shave off at least 5 minutes?

Or do I sit tight with my current qualifying time and hope to the Running Gods I get into the race?

I am currently running about 50 miles a week, and could race out a half-marathon no problem. This is good.

However, I have not done a run longer than 14 miles for…. quite some time. Not so good.

If I start training now, I am miserably prepared to give up the following:

photo 2

Goodbye my love. I’m whining about the wine.

This is just an image of me slightly tipsy from day drinking. NO DAY DRINKING ALLOWED.

This is just an image of me slightly tipsy from day drinking. NO DAY DRINKING ALLOWED.

Sweet tower of sweets... You are sweet. But I can't have you on my hips or thighs.

Sweet tower of sweets… You are sweet. But I can’t have you on my hips or thighs.

May I join you? Oh wait I can't... because I have to run forever.

May I join you? Oh wait I can’t… because I have to run forever.

That last image could be interpreted that I am giving up Mr. Speedy OR giving up being in bed with Mr. Speedy (UM THAT BED OF SWEET SWEATY PASSIONATE LOVE… never mind… sorry), but I am simply giving up SLEEPING IN LATE with Mr. Speedy.

Which apparently I already have done since I was able to snap this picture while he was still asleep.

Anyways, marathon training is no joke.

If I seriously want to get my time down, I am going to have to buckle down to the sandstone for the next 9 weeks.

Mr. Speedy votes a big fat YES to this Ohio marathon.
Pirate votes a big fat WHY THE HECK DO YOU RUN SO MUCH to this marathon.

Pickle pickle, I am stuck in a pickle.

What do you think??? Ahhhhhhhhh!


P.S. I have decided that running in the humidity makes you by far the most unattractive thing on the planet. That is all.



Racing in the Wrong Direction

I have a confession: I am extremely directionally challenged.

At any given moment, I could not tell you which cardinal direction I was facing.
Prior to my phone’s GPS, I wrote down directions and usually forgot a step or two.
With my phone’s GPS, I type in wrong destinations and end up driving in circles.
My life is a constant battle of finding a destination on time.

Mr. Speedy can attest to this.
He has been trapped in the car with me.
Driving into no man’s land, wondering how his pretty passenger managed to mislead us once again.

Sometimes, when I run races, I run in the wrong direction.

This happened to me at a 10k this past Saturday, where I missed a turn, misleading a pack of runners with me, and running an additional 0.6 miles.

This is the race. How freaky.

This is the race. How freaky.

I have no idea why I thought that was the way, but it seemed logical at the time.

I have no idea why I thought that was the way, but it seemed logical at the time.

Black line = CORRECT.


The funny thing is (ok, pathetic) is that I ran this race 2 years ago and ran in the wrong direction. In my defense, the course has changed each year… so that is confusing for already confused ladies.

Even though I ran extra, I still ended up winning, as FIRST female.

10kfinishThat time is dang slow to compared to my normal time but whatever. I believe I was around the 6:55/mile pace throughout… but we shall never know the truth.

I have NO IDEA HOW THIS HAPPENED (winning) but I have a theory-

The running Gods wanted to have a laugh, so they made me run extra and then made me stand on a podium to laugh even more:

"I'll jump! I'll do it! RAWR!"

“I’ll jump! I’ll do it! RAWR!”

I look like an awkward pelican about to dive into a pile of dirt.

And then the running Gods wanted to smile- Mr. Speedy and his fellow men know how to stand on podiums better than Olympians:


The man on the far left is a hottie, in my opinion.

The other two men are really fantastic runners and I am glad they placed. WHOOT!

In conclusion:

I need to tattoo race maps to my arms prior to racing. This is the only logical way for me to not veer off.

Does anyone else have issues running races correctly? Or standing on tall objects?



Half-Marathon: The Terrible Mistake

DSC_0311Prior to getting engaged, I ran a half-marathon.

I love half-marathons. They are my favorite distance. Except this race, I made a very terrible, awful, painful mistake.

Read on…

Prior to racing, I like to indulge on dry, crispy toast:



Once at the race, I like to walk around with an odd face that only Mr. Speedy can understand:


WHO FARTED??? It smells like Rasputin’s armpit.

Then, I like to calm my nerves by talking to all my sweet running friends:

Me and my stellar running friend, Jessica. She is pretty fierce. And I am a giant.

Me and my stellar running friend, Jessica. She is pretty fierce. And I am a giant.

I always like to run into my running Uncle (aka the CUPID that matched me and my betrothed up!):

He is always smiling. And my mother is his friend.

He is always smiling. And my mother is his friend.

My fellow Yellow Team members:

My pink shoes are slightly obnoxious.

My pink shoes are slightly obnoxious.

The race was about to start.
I was feeling excellent despite my lack of sleep due to nerves.
I had used the potty approx. 56 times already.
I had 2 gels tucked safely into my sport bra.
My mother, Mr. Speedy, and Louis were watching me because they had nothing better to do.

What could possibly go WRONG?


I did not discover that something was wrong until after I finished and felt a sharp pain in my chesticle region.

This was way after the winner, my friend tall Fisky, crossed the finish line and I trailed far behind:

He is the winner!

He is the winner!

Why do my legs look weird?

Why do my legs look weird?

This was way after I got interviewed due to being 3rd female overall:

I like to act like a bear prior to a race. RAWR.

I like to act like a bear prior to a race. RAWR.

This was way after I found my favorite other running couple (THEY ARE MOVING TO HAWAII SOON BECAUSE THEY ARE ADVENTUROUS AND COOL):

I shall miss them! So cute!

I shall miss them! So cute!

This was way after I discovered Louis lurking by me, with his inspirational attire:

I really like his headband.

I really wonder what he is trying to achieve in life.

This was way after I discussed running tactics with the winner and realized that my legs will not grow longer:

So.... how do you run so fast? TELL ME YOUR SECRET.

So…. how do you run so fast? TELL ME YOUR SECRET.

Yes, after all this-

After all the smiles and visiting-

I went home, stripped my bra off, and was horrified to see a bloody mess. Probably the last thing a girl could possibly want to see when she is about to journey on a romantic getaway with a man who makes her melt. I mean, how do you explain a bloody-cut underboob? In the midst of rolling around together, do you just say, “Oh, stay clear of that one! It is out of order. But the other one is fine!”

Ew. Never mind. Forget I asked.

NOTE TO SELF: Do not store goo in sport bra. The corners are sharp and will cut you up like a carrot stick.

Ouchie. It really hurts. Seriously.

Ouchie. It really hurts. Seriously.

Almost two weeks later, I am still healing.

On a positive note, despite my boob being eaten alive, I did not run too shabby:

Someone does not know how to spell OVERALL.

Someone does not know how to spell OVERALL.

Not my best, but I am happy and it was a fun race.

Minus my chest incision.



Winner Announced! Giveaway: Craft-A-Day

Fist of all, thank you for particpiating in the giveaway.
I LOVED all the trips that were suggested and plan to make them all… eventually.

This is where Mr. Speedy and I will be traveling:

I would like to go to Pairs first please.

I would like to go to Pairs first please.

All very good ideas.

And now for the winner…. ::drumroll::



OMGEE- Congrats! I will contact you and get you the book.

Stay tuned for another giveaway… I’m thinking running goo and gel next time. Or a pair of socks. Or a pack of gum. Or maybe all three???

Speaking of running, I am running a half-marathon tomorrow morning. More specifically, the half where a year ago, Mr. Speedy and I were introduced.

He ha the best legs and arms.... and torso, butt, and all other spots.

One year with this man = best year ever

After the race, Mr. Speedy has planned a “secret, surprise” trip somewhere for us until Sunday night. I have no idea where we are going or what we are doing but he told me to pack some nice outfits, my bikini, and camera. I am nervous, anxious, excited, emotional, romantic, passionate, sweaty, and spastastic all at once. It will be a grand time, I am sure of it.

Something tells me I should also bring wine…. xoxo


PS If you are racing this weekend- good luck! If you are not racing this weekend- still, good luck!