Help: I’m in a Marathon Pickle

I am trapped in a pickle- a marathon pickle to be exact.

And I need your help because I really do not know what to do.
Please read… or just ignore my words and wish me luck.


I have only ran 1 marathon in my life and that was last fall in Detroit.  I huffed and puffed my way to the finish line and qualified for Boston by 1 WHOLE WHOPPING MINUTE, at a 3:34:00:

My first marathon... this was at the half way point and I had a very mean face and was on fire.

My first marathon… this was at the half way point and I had a very mean face and was on fire.

Fast forward to present day:

Since I only qualified for Bosty 2014 by 1 minute, that means I am in the last wave to register when it opens up online. The waves go by 5 minute intervals from the qualifying time, so for my group (need 3:35:00 or faster) it includes everyone from 3:30:00 to 3:34:59.

This makes me nervous. I have a sinking gut feeling that it is going to fill up before I get to sign up online, suggesting that I should try to run ANOTHER, better, marathon time before the cutoff- September 15, 2013.

That is roughly 10 weeks away.

August marathons, in this area, are HOT. So no.

Labor day weekend, Mr. Speedy and I have a wedding. The weekend that the time is due- Sept. 15th- we are planning to go to Nebraska.

This only leaves September 8th weekend open and I found a marathon in Canton, Ohio (about 4 hours away) that I could run.

So my pickle is-

Do I start a 9 week training program now and run the marathon and hope to shave off at least 5 minutes?

Or do I sit tight with my current qualifying time and hope to the Running Gods I get into the race?

I am currently running about 50 miles a week, and could race out a half-marathon no problem. This is good.

However, I have not done a run longer than 14 miles for…. quite some time. Not so good.

If I start training now, I am miserably prepared to give up the following:

photo 2

Goodbye my love. I’m whining about the wine.

This is just an image of me slightly tipsy from day drinking. NO DAY DRINKING ALLOWED.

This is just an image of me slightly tipsy from day drinking. NO DAY DRINKING ALLOWED.

Sweet tower of sweets... You are sweet. But I can't have you on my hips or thighs.

Sweet tower of sweets… You are sweet. But I can’t have you on my hips or thighs.

May I join you? Oh wait I can't... because I have to run forever.

May I join you? Oh wait I can’t… because I have to run forever.

That last image could be interpreted that I am giving up Mr. Speedy OR giving up being in bed with Mr. Speedy (UM THAT BED OF SWEET SWEATY PASSIONATE LOVE… never mind… sorry), but I am simply giving up SLEEPING IN LATE with Mr. Speedy.

Which apparently I already have done since I was able to snap this picture while he was still asleep.

Anyways, marathon training is no joke.

If I seriously want to get my time down, I am going to have to buckle down to the sandstone for the next 9 weeks.

Mr. Speedy votes a big fat YES to this Ohio marathon.
Pirate votes a big fat WHY THE HECK DO YOU RUN SO MUCH to this marathon.

Pickle pickle, I am stuck in a pickle.

What do you think??? Ahhhhhhhhh!


P.S. I have decided that running in the humidity makes you by far the most unattractive thing on the planet. That is all.